
Useful links

Big Lottery Local Food Fund
A £59.8 million grants programme from the Big Lottery Fund that funded a variety of food-related projects (2009-2014). ‘More than just the veg’ films illustrate the impact of the grant programme.

Bristol City Council
Public Health and Sustainable City & Climate Change Service work together on food issues and have instigated an internal working group on food. BCC works closely with Bristol Food Policy Council and Bristol Green Capital Partnership.

Carasso Foundation
Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, France: Provides grants for innovation and research work in the area of arts and of sustainable food systems and diets.

Cardiff University
The School of Geography and Planning is a leading international centre for teaching and research in spatial planning and human geography, with a focus on the development, management and sustainability of cities, regions and rural spaces.

Countryside and Community Research Institute
The largest specialist rural research centre in the UK, shaping rural development policy and practice in the UK, Europe and further afield.

Fomento Donostia-San Sebastián
A public municipal company dedicated to the promotion and the economic and social development through innovation of the city of San Sebastián in the Basque Country

The International Urban Food Network is a research and cooperation hub on sustainable food systems based in France.

Plunkett Foundation
Promotes and supports co-operatives and social enterprises in rural communities worldwide. The resource library has specific resources aimed at community food enterprises.

RUAF Foundation
Leading centre of expertise in the field of Urban Agriculture and City Region Food Strategies registered in the Netherlands, connected to a global network of resource centres on urban agriculture and food security

Soil Association
The UK’s leading environmental charity promoting sustainable, organic farming and championing human health.

Sprout Films
Creating inspirational films for engineers of social, environmental and ethical change.

Supurbfood programme and partners
A European research programme from 2013-2015 exploring sustainable modes of urban and peri-urban food provisioning with a focus on short supply chains, closed loop systems for waste management and multifunctional agriculture.

Sustainable Food Cities
A UK network of towns and cities that are making healthy and sustainable food a defining characteristic of where they live.

The Association for Science and Discovery Centres Network
ASDC brings together over 60 of the UK’s major science engagement organisations. It is currently working on food with the Wellcome Trust on The Crunch project.

URBACT programme
URBACT (urban action) helps cities across Europe to develop pragmatic solutions that are new and sustainable and that integrate economic, social and environmental urban topics. Food is one of their project topics.

University of the West of England, UK
UWE’s Department of Geography and Environmental Management, runs various courses in sustainability. UWE is also a WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments

Food-related organisations that inspire me

Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming
Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

Food Climate Research Network
The Food Climate Research Network is an interdisciplinary and international network operating at the intersection of food, climate, and broader sustainability issues.

WWF One Planet
Ideas on how we can all live sustainable lives, if we are to all live on our one planet,

URGENCI: the international network for community supported agriculture
Bringing together citizens, small farmers, consumers, activists and concerned political actors at global level through an alternative economic approach called Local Solidarity-based Partnerships between Producers and Consumers.

IFOAM: International foundation for organic agriculture
IFOAM helps to lead, unite and assist stakeholders from every facet of the organic movement and work towards the worldwide adoption of ecologically, socially and economically sound systems that are based on the principles of Organic Agriculture.

Bristol Pound: Our city our money – Bristol’s local currency
The Bristol Pound is the UK’s first city wide local currency, the first to have electronic accounts managed by a regulated financial institution, and the first that can be used to pay some local taxes. Many of the participating businesses are from the food and drink sector.

The Permaculture Association UK
See Britain’s best examples of permaculture in action at the LAND demonstration centres.

Transition network
A network that supports communities to get to a low-carbon, socially-just, healthier and happier future.

Shared Harvest, Beijing
A public-interested, service-oriented social enterprise started by a group of young people in Mafang Village of Eastern Beijing in May 2012 that connects urban residents with local farmers in Beijing producing local, seasonal and organically-grown food.

Sustainable food trust
A global voice for sustainable food systems, with an excellent weekly news digest.

ILEIA Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture
ILEIA supports social movements and engages in advocacy in order to contribute to an enabling environment for family farming based on agroecology. It has over 30 years of experience in building knowledge through the documentation and systematisation of concrete practices and disseminating these in Farming Matters magazine.

Oxford Real Farming Conference
Run alongside the annual Oxford Farming Conference, the ORFC is growing each year. It is a unique gathering of the UK sustainable food and farming movements offering a practical mix of on-farm advice, new techniques for best practice in agroecological farming, and discussion on the wide range of issues that affect British farming.