- Big Lottery Local Food Fund, Changing Spaces Programme, UK
- Bristol City Council, UK (Public Health and Sustainable City & Climate Change Service)
- Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, France
- Cardiff University, School of Planning and Geography, UK
- Countryside and Community Research Institute, UK
- Fomento Donostia-San Sebastián, Basque Country
- International Urban Food Network, France
- Plunkett Foundation, Making Local Food Work programme (2007-12), UK
- RUAF Foundation, Netherlands (global network of resource centres on urban agriculture and food security)
- Soil Association, UK
- Sprout Films, UK
- Supurbfood programme and partners, EU
- Sustainable Food Cities, UK
- The Association for Science and Discovery Centres Network, UK
- Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of the West of England, UK
- URBACT programme, Sustainable Food, EU
I have worked with Joy on the Who Feeds Bristol project, and a number of other projects over the past six years. Her knowledge and connections within the food world locally, nationally and internationally are second to none. She also displays a dedication and commitment that make her a great colleague to work with.
Dr Angela E Raffle. BSc(Hons) MB ChB FFPH
Consultant in Public Health and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Joy and I worked together on the 2009-2014 evaluation of the £60 million Big Lottery-funded Local Food programme. During this process, I found Joy to be highly professional, insightful and dedicated. Her input was essential to the success of the evaluation, as well as to the publication of a widely cited paper in the journal Global Environmental Change. Importantly, Joy is also a fun and stimulating person to work with.
Dr James Kirwan (Reader in Food Studies and Society at the Countryside and Community research Institute and leader of the Local Food programme evaluation)
Joy has been supporting the development of a sustainable food programme in Bristol for many years. As the Sustainability Manager for Bristol City Council upto March 2014 I worked with the Primary Care Trust initially to commission a report titled “Who Feeds Bristol” to provide an evidence base for moving towards a more sustainable food system. This was part of our future resilience work programme at the time. Since the production of the report Joy’s knowledge, skills and experience has been invaluable in helping to develop the Bristol Food Policy Council and Food Action Plan which are direct consequences of the report recommendations. Although having signicant experience in working on Local Government sustainable food programmes I have found working with Joy inspirational, greatly increased my understanding of interventions needed to bring about positive change.
Steve Marriott, Independent Consultant